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7+ Best WordPress Accordion Plugins (2024)

7+ Best WordPress Accordion Plugins (2024)

Are you looking for the best WordPress accordion plugins?

An accordion is a helpful web design element that allows you to display content in a collapsible tab layout. It’s often used to display frequently asked questions or product details without taking up so much of the page’s space.

In this article, we will share the best WordPress accordion plugins that you can use on your website.

What Is an Accordion on a Website?

An accordion is a list of panels that can hide and show information when you click on each panel. It lets users choose which detail they want to learn more about, while the rest of the tabbed content remains closed.

An example of a FAQ section using an accordion

Many website owners use accordions when they want to cover tons of information while saving some space on their web pages.

You may have seen accordions used as FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) in online documentation. Users can click on the question to see the answer, and if they don’t want to read it, then they can just close it again. FAQ content has also become more common for WordPress SEO since it can show up in the search results.

WooCommerce product pages also often use accordions to organize a lot of information. Customers can click on a detail they want more explanation for.

By default, WordPress doesn’t have a Gutenberg block for accordions. That’s why many users install a plugin for this purpose.

Let’s take a look at some of the best WordPress accordion plugins that you can use on your WordPress website.

Disclaimer: When choosing the plugins for this showcase, we installed each tool on our test site to explore its pros, cons, and features. This allowed us to recommend only the best WordPress accordion plugins.

1. Heroic FAQs

If you want to use an accordion plugin specifically for frequently asked questions, then check out Heroic FAQs. It lets you easily generate collapsible tabbed content and add it anywhere on your WordPress blog or site.

It comes with a drag-and-drop editor so that you can create questions and answers, group FAQs, and reorder items with ease. There are 5 pre-defined accordion styles and many customization options to match your website design perfectly.

For example, you can add rich content to your accordions, including images, blockquotes, videos, lists, and so on.

Heroic FAQs also offers 15 FAQ icon choices, accordion or toggle style options, CSS3 animations, and more to make your FAQs more personalized.

Pros of Heroic FAQs:

Easy-to-customize accordions for FAQ content.
User-friendly drag-and-drop editor to build your accordions.
Offers rich content elements to be inserted into your accordions so you can make them much more engaging.
Has built-in FAQ schema support so that your FAQ content can show up on search engines.

Cons of Heroic FAQs:

No free plugin is available.
Must be purchased with Heroic KB, where the price starts at $149.50 per year. So, this plugin is kind of like an addon.

Why we chose Heroic FAQs: It is perfect if you are looking for an easy-to-use accordion plugin that is specifically designed for FAQ content. We also recommend it if you want to build a knowledge base, as you have to purchase it with Heroic KB.

2. SeedProd

SeedProd Website and Theme Builder

As the best drag-and-drop WordPress page builder in the market, SeedProd offers various blocks to create a user-friendly site. These include an accordion block, which lets you add text sections that expand and collapse on your pages.

All you have to do is drag and drop the accordion block onto your page and start customizing it. You can create as many text sections as you need and even use a unique dropdown icon from Font Awesome for a personal touch.

Creating an accordion in SeedProd

Feel free to customize the block’s typography, colors, animated effects, and more to make the accordion more interactive.

What’s great about SeedProd is that it makes it easy to make a responsive accordion. You can adjust the block’s spacing for desktop and mobile devices, and even opt to hide the accordion if the page is viewed on a certain device.

Making the SeedProd accordion mobile-friendly

Pros of SeedProd:

Easy-to-use drag-and-drop editor for users of all levels.
The customization options allow full control over the accordion’s design, from the header and dropdown icon to the text section’s shadows.
Provides settings to adjust the accordion’s spacing and visibility on mobile, which is great for improving the user experience.
Offers various ready-to-use FAQ section layouts to speed up your process.
Allows custom CSS to make your accordion design more personalized.

Cons of SeedProd:

Why we chose SeedProd: While the accordion block is only available in the Pro version, we still think SeedProd is worth recommending. Besides a customizable accordion, you will also get access to a user-friendly page builder that makes creating a unique website easy.

For more details, you can see our complete SeedProd review.

3. Accordions

PickPlugins' Accordions

Accordions is a slightly more advanced accordion plugin, but it’s a pretty powerful one, too.

Unlike the previous plugins, it doesn’t come with a WYSIWYG or drag-and-drop editor. The interface is much simpler, with no live preview, but you can see a lot of settings to add and customize unlimited accordions.

The Accordions plugin interface in WordPress

One of the most notable features of this plugin is its lazy load setting. This delays the loading of the accordion until the user’s screen reaches it on the page. This way, you can maintain a fast website performance.

Additionally, if you get the Pro version, you can create nested accordions. This feature will be handy if you have plenty of information to explain and want to make it more organized.

Pros of Accordions:

Has a lazy loading feature to optimize the accordions.
Offers an import feature for importing accordions from other plugins.

Provides two types of accordions to choose from: the traditional accordion or vertical tabs.
Offers integration with Font Awesome icons to customize the icons for expanding or collapsing the accordion.
The Pro plan includes advanced features like nested accordions and a built-in search function.

Cons of Accordions:

The interface is not the most user-friendly.
You can only display the accordion using shortcodes (there’s no built-in block for it).

Why we chose Accordions: Despite its slight lack of user-friendliness, Accordions is a powerful plugin for creating beautiful accordions. Its Pro plan also includes features that you may not find in other plugins, like nested accordions.

4. Thrive Architect

Thrive Architect

Thrive Architect is another great page builder with an accordion/toggle block. It has a drag-and-drop editor, so designing a FAQ or product information section with this plugin is easy.

What makes Thrive Architect unique is you can customize the toggle block’s animation style and speed. This offers you more control over how the accordion behaves.

Editing the toggle block in Thrive Architect

Other than that, you can create columns in the toggle block, which can be beneficial if you have a lot of accordion content. Plus, you can customize the toggle block’s background color, typography, shadows, and so on.

If you want to make the toggle expanded by default to catch visitors’ attention, you can do that too. You don’t have to worry about the space becoming limited due to the expansion, as only the first accordion’s content will be shown.

Pros of Thrive Architect:

The toggle block comes with all Thrive Architect and Thrive Suite plans.
User-friendly drag-and-drop editor.
Plenty of ways to customize how the accordion block looks.
Advanced settings to configure the accordion block’s animation to control how it behaves when clicked.
Settings to make the toggle visible or invisible on desktop, mobile, and tablet to make the website more responsive.

Cons of Thrive Architect:

No free version is available.
No auto-save feature, so you have to manually save your work.

Why we chose Thrive Architect: If you are on the hunt for a page builder with a toggle function, then try Thrive Architect. The customization settings to create accordions are comprehensive, and you can easily build a unique web design and attractive landing pages with the plugin.

See our Thrive Architect review for more information.

5. Ultimate Blocks

Ultimate Blocks

Ultimate Blocks is a Gutenberg block plugin with an accordion feature. Using it, you can add a content toggle block right in the block editor rather than in a separate interface.

This way, you can create a FAQ section and easily place it wherever you want on your page or post.

The cool thing about Ultimate Blocks is you can select the heading tag for the accordion title. As a result, you can make your accordion content SEO-friendly and align it with the logical structure of your page or post.

If you upgrade to the Pro version, then you can also add a search bar on top of the accordion so that users can search for answers quickly.

Pros of Ultimate Blocks:

Offers responsive design controls to make the accordion hidden on desktop, tablet, or mobile devices.
SEO-friendly, with FAQ schema support and customizable heading tags.
Easy to use as you can add the content toggle block right in the drag-and-drop Gutenberg block editor.
Provides other blocks for presenting information while minimizing space, like tabbed and expandable content blocks.

Cons of Ultimate Blocks:

Limited accordion icon options compared to the other plugins on the list.

Why we chose Ultimate Blocks: Most WordPress users are already pretty familiar with the block editor, so Ultimate Blocks is great for adding an accordion right in the editor. The content toggle block is also available in the free plugin version.

To learn more, see our detailed Ultimate Blocks review.

6. Easy Accordion

Easy Accordion

If you are looking for an accordion plugin for your WooCommerce product pages, then check out Easy Accordion. The Pro version includes support for creating detailed FAQ sections for product pages.

If you have the same FAQ for multiple product categories, you can easily implement them with this plugin. As a result, you won’t have to create different FAQs for different pages.

Easy Accordion is also translation-ready, as it is compatible with multilingual plugins like WPML and PolyLang. This is great if you run a multilingual business.

Another great feature is the custom shortcode generator. This lets you easily differentiate your accordion shortcodes for when you need to embed them later.

Pros of Easy Accordion Pro:

Supports Gutenberg and most major WordPress page builder plugins.
You can create accordions from existing pages, posts, custom post types, and even taxonomies to save time on inserting the accordion content.
Multiple accordion layouts, from vertical tabs and multicolumn sections to horizontal toggles.
Includes SEO features like schema markup and nofollow links.

Cons of Easy Accordion Pro:

The plugin comes with a free version, but most of the features that make it great are locked in the Pro version.

Why we chose Easy Accordion: The built-in support for WooCommerce product pages and translation plugins makes Easy Accordion great for online businesses.

7. Accordion FAQ

WPShopSmart's Accordion plugin

If you are looking for a no-frills accordion plugin with a drag-and-drop builder, then look no further than Accordion FAQ. With it, you can easily create multiple collapsible content sections and move them however you likef from the backend.

The free Accordion FAQ plugin only has one template, but it’s quite user-friendly and versatile. For more design choices, you can upgrade to the Pro version and get 18+ templates.

WPShopSmart's Accordion plugin interface in the admin area

The plugin also offers many ways to customize the accordion. Feel free to use its 30+ animation styles, dozens of Font Awesome Icons, and 500+ Google Fonts to make the accordion more unique.

Pros of Accordion FAQ:

User-friendly drag-and-drop accordion editor.
Many customization options with unlimited color options and tons of animation styles, icons, and Google Fonts.
The pricing for the Pro plans is quite affordable, starting from $9 for 6 months.
Based on the Bootstrap framework, which creates a responsive design for the accordions.

Cons of Accordion FAQ:

The free plugin version displays multiple ads that can make for a poor user experience.

Why we chose Accordion FAQ: If you are looking for a simple accordion plugin with a drag-and-drop functionality, then Accordion FAQ is a great option, so long as you don’t mind the ads on the plugin page.

Bonus: Shortcodes Ultimate

The Shortcodes Ultimate plugin

Shortcodes Ultimate is a WordPress plugin that comes with a set of shortcodes to add various content elements, including accordions.

Since it uses shortcodes, you can add the accordion shortcode to any part of your WordPress site, from pages and posts to widget-ready areas. You also won’t have to worry about theme compatibility, as it functions smoothly with most modern themes.

The downside is the shortcode and HTML for the accordion are pretty long, and you have to be careful when inserting your content. That’s why we didn’t put this option in the same list as above.

For more details, see our complete Shortcodes Ultimate review.

What Is the Best WordPress Accordion Plugin?

The best WordPress accordion plugin depends on your needs.

If you are looking for an accordion plugin for FAQ content, then the best option is Heroic FAQs. The drag-and-drop editor is easy to use and includes various customization features for creating accordions out of the box.

If you are looking for a page builder with an accordion block, then SeedProd is your best option. SeedProd offers various controls and settings for how the accordion looks and behaves. Plus, your accordion design will look great with other elements on your page.

Finally, for people looking for a free WordPress accordion plugin, consider Accordions. This plugin includes everything needed to create simple accordions or vertical tabbed content. Its lazy loading will also ensure the accordion won’t slow down your site.

FAQs About Accordions in WordPress

Let’s go over some frequently asked questions about adding accordions in WordPress.

How do I add an accordion to WordPress?

The easiest way to add an accordion in WordPress is with a plugin like Heroic FAQs, SeedProd, or Accordions. With these tools, you can insert a ready-to-use accordion into your pages and posts and customize it to your liking.

Which WordPress accordion plugin offers the best customization options?

Heroic FAQs offers the best customization options for creating accordions. It comes with a drag-and-drop editor, pre-defined accordion styles, 15 FAQ icon choices, CSS3 animations, toggle style options, and more.

SeedProd also offers comprehensive customization options to modify how an accordion looks and behaves. Besides changing the color and typography, you can adjust the accordion’s size specifically for mobile devices.

Which WordPress accordion plugin is best for creating FAQ sections?

Heroic FAQs is an excellent WordPress accordion plugin for creating FAQ sections. With this plugin, you can create accordions using various styles and insert different rich content to make your information easier to understand.

Best Guides for Using Accordions in WordPress

We hope this article helped you find the best WordPress accordion plugins. You may also want to see our picks of the best email marketing services, and our expert list of the must-have WordPress plugins for business websites.

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